WE’RE HIRING! Apply be to the SMASH Co-Director of Organizing and Communications!

  SMASH is pleased to announce that we‘re FINALLY hiring! This is the first full-time position that SMASH has ever advertised publicly, and a really big step for the organization! Here is an excerpt from the job application:   Co-Director of Organizing and Communications   Compensation: $48,000/yr (Starting at $45,000) Benefits: Health and Dental Insurance, 401(k), cooperative operating…

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Donate to SMASH on Give Miami Day 11.18.21

Miami, are you tired of slumlords, climate gentrification, LGBTQ Homelessness, terrible housing policy and rent that is just too DAMN high? We are too. We’re also tired of failure from Miami’s leadership to think innovatively about solving the affordable housing crisis, and we’re tired of having to fight our own government in order to protect and house the very people who we elected…

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